R-Ladies Philly

R-Ladies Philly

About Us

We are the Philadelphia chapter of R-Ladies Global, a world-wide organization that promotes gender diversity in the R community and in data science more broadly. While our group name does have ‘R’ and ‘Ladies’ in the title, we welcome all individuals who share our values and follow our code of conduct and who have an interest in data science, regardless of proficiency with R.

Since our first meetup in January 2018, R-Ladies Philly has grown to a highly active, diverse and community-driven group, with:

  • Over 2,000 members
  • Informal monthly meetups that are skills-focused, free, and focused on interdisciplinary statistical and coding methods
  • A quarterly networking happy hour series
  • Real-world data analytic projects that promote group work and help local nonprofits
  • Collaborative engagements with other local data science groups
  • A mentor/speaker directory

We are always looking for more ways to grow and for new data approaches to try! Connect with us via the R-Ladies Philly Slack, Email philly@rladies.org or better yet, come to one of our events!


Meet our board members

R-Ladies Philly is seeking enthusiastic volunteers to start up the chapter again! This is a wonderful and fulfilling opportunity to grow your network and leadership skills. Please contact philly@rladies.org to learn more. Former organizers have volunteered to mentor a new team.

Board Alumni

Darina Chudnovskaya, MSc (she/her) 2018 - 2023

Karla Fettich, PhD (she/her) 2018 - 2022

Alice Walsh, PhD (she/her) Co-Founder: Jan 2018 - Dec 2023

Jessie Pluto (she/her) 2019 - 2023

Darien Aunapu (she/her) 2023 - 2024

Jesika Saucedo (she/her) 2022 - 2024

Michelle Chiu (she/her) 2023

Katerina Placek, MSc (she/her) Co-Founder and Blog Chair: Jan 2018 - July 2019

Katie Cousins, PhD (she/her) Co-Founder: Jan 2018 - July 2018

Amy Goodwin Davies, PhD (she/her) Organizer: 2019 - 2022

Cass Wilkinson Saldaña (they/he) Organizer: 2021 - 2022

Chun Su, PhD (she/her) Organizer: 2019-2023


R-Ladies Philly is fortunate to receive support from several amazing organizations. Contact us to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.

R-Ladies Philly open collective

Some of our past and current sponsors include:

Independence Public Media Foundation


R consortium


Penn Dental

Temple University Center City

Drexel LeBow College of Business

Penn Institute for Urban Research

